Wednesday, January 12, 2011

doll clothes collection. embarrassing?

I've been quite interested in collecting doll clothes and accessories for my childhood doll as of late. I'm a bit embarrassed since it seems both childish and kind of old lady-ish at the same time. But I just can't help myself. Besides collecting I would also like to make my own clothes and things. Perhaps sometime I will be good enough at it to make some dolls for the Small Adventure shop? Anyways, here are a few of my new and old favorites.

doll clothes 1-72

These pants are high waisted and corduroy which is pretty awesome and the plaid shirt has real buttons instead of velcro. And the black tube underneath the glasses is a working kaleidoscope.

doll clothes 4-72

doll clothes 3-72

doll clothes 2-72


  1. these are insanely cute keiko! i'm glad you have this collection!!!

  2. ugh... i guess i'm forced to buy this crap for your birthday now, huh?


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