Wednesday, April 27, 2011

new business cards!

business card 4

I just got these in the mail today and am super excited! I love business cards and I think I am pretty pleased with how these turned out. I kept the general idea of the old ones, but had a lot more fun this time painting the artwork for these instead of screen printing. They were printed by Mama's Sauce, a pretty awesome print shop in Florida.

business card 3

Monday, April 25, 2011

two more...

wood slice-duck moth

Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!

happy easter

I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends! Golden Eggs recipe from here.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

the spring creatures are coming out

wood slice-bird and moth

These little dudes I'm taking with me to Unique LA in a couple weeks, but if they don't sell I will definitely put them up in the shop.

some food i ate this week...


Thursday, April 21, 2011

some new fabrics

favorite fabrics

Some new fabrics I've picked up over the last few weeks. I want to make them into pillows I think.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

new prints




I have finally made prints of most of the individual animals and birds that I have painted so far. They are all available here. If you have any requests for prints of any other animals or birds that I have drawn in the past let me know!

some more paper bits

paper bits 2

I like these. They are now hanging on my cork board above my new desk in my new work space. When everything's put together I'll post up some pictures. I'm so excited! It feels so good to sit there and also roll around on my computer office chair.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

new cards in shop!

Decorated Animals All 3 72

You can get the set for $9 here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

business card in process

business card 1

business card 2

A couple of in process photos of a new business card I've been working on. Sorry it's taken me so long to get the new card set up in the shop. I'm having some printing issues, but they will be up soon!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

back from sf

Malachi was selling his comics goods at WonderCon in San Francisco this past weekend! Although we got back on Monday, we didn't have any internet until last night so that's why I've been a little out of the online loop. Anyways, I got to hang out with some cool friends, namely Jordan Lebrecht and Anna Hurley, and got to visit some cool places! We saw a lighthouse right outside of the city, visited a small beach right inside the city, and went to some awesome stores. Here are the stores we saw:

Perish Trust, a great antiques shop with beautiful presentation.

Pot and Pantry, an adorable store full of new and used kitchen goods. I bought some wooden measuring spoons.

Unionmade, a mens clothing store whose inventory is incredibly inspiring to me.

Gravel and Gold, a collection of home items, vintage items, books and clothing, all laid out in a very appealing way. I wanted one of their striped long sleeve shirts, but controlled myself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

touch wood commercial

A beautiful commercial a friend put up on Facebook. It's like a musical Rube Goldberg machine.
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